Image by: Chloe Wilson
Ella Wade dust comets and planets stars systems and galaxies all suspended spiraling in the universe yet we can not escape that in between everything space is eternal lullabies
Sophia Chu it rests in your eyes, streaks of your iris blur to a grey scope. it clings to your smile, the crooked falseness a break between us. it cries from your words, the bare platitudes, milk every drop of guilt. Eternal, Ephemeral
Chloe Wilson And we shall bestow upon you a posthumous name. You will be returned to us, reborn as a god. Let your brittle human bones wither and burn for we shall weave you a body of light, a body built to withstand the soul of an immortal. Claim this body. We gods permit you to return from the depths of the earth in which you were destined to lay. Awaken, as the God who holds Truth in his hands. Mortals will come to you, asking for the truth. We elder gods permit you, grant it, for you will carry the truth of everything within you. You will live among us in your glorious undying form. So long as humans remember, and still seek out the truth, you will exist to tell them. You will live forever, an eternal, yet ephemeral being. Untitled
Ella MacDonald what in this life is eternal, is it love, happiness, family, but come to think, don’t all these things end, when we die, what is eternal, is it the footprints, we leave on this earth, after we are gone, the things we say, things we do, choices we make, will anyone ever know, since we will not be there, to watch it grow eternally, so what is eternal, Untitled
Alecia Winchester "We will love each other for eternity" She had told me "We will give each other breath" "We will give each other life" "Until breathing is meaningless" "And life itself exists no more" When she promised me this She had smiled so sincere And yet the photos of us I have Are collecting dust on my shelf Too broken to touch But too precious to burn The presents you had given me Unloved for months In the bottom of my drawer Out of sight But never forgotten I just want you to know That even though you never truly Loved me That even though I've moved on I care about you Not romantically But instead in a way That I just hope You will be happy For eternity |
Eternal love
Elizabeth Pelletier This eternal love That lives within all the stars Grows a bit each night Untitled
Daisy Rubenstein Rain, the salty tears of blue never-ending sky cry me a river? She's Eternal
Emily Ewing She’s eternal. A creature of gaudi design, Of grace, intelligence Of angle like ways Begun from nothing But is all From thy pearls To golden straw waves, To and from From and to Nothing misplaced Yet nothing similar To as seen before The spark within, Stronger than a blazed furnace And more pure with Invincibility and Sureness than Migrating birds Flying up above She is everything to be Yet of nothing that's existed before. She's eternal Eternity
Grace Randall My heart is at peace, All of time begins to slow, When I am with you. Untitled
Cassia Ferdinand jalapeño cheetos, the crumpled bag lays in my room. i should probably throw it out, but it reminds me of you. so perhaps, just maybe, it will stay there forever. Untitled
Nada Fawwaz our love may be forbidden it may be unholy and rotten to some people, it is so but those people are far too ignorant selfish to understand what our love is our love is eternal it outlasts the moon and the stars it is a holy being itself and it will never die our love is eternal Eternal.
Braelyn Cheer Eternal is me. Eternal is you. Eternal is our shared memories It’s holding hands and lopsided smiles. It’s kisses, soft as butterflies, and hearts full to bursting. Eternal is us. Eternal is laughter, like the tinkling of bells and late-night whispers over the phone. Eternal is holding you in my arms, and being held in yours. It’s safety and warmth and comfort, because I’m safe, here, with you. And we. are. eternal. |
Eternal Hate
Jenna Mihalchan To stare a person in the eyes, and see the devil in the flames. Have your heart ripped out of your chest, and on the ground where it remains. Want to give up your whole being, but can’t let your enemies win. So gather all the strength inside, from the veins, to the shell of skin. Tears turn to mist on the face, and legs do not collapse from weight. Moving towards the light of hope, surrounded by eternal hate. Untitled
Nate Fahmi I thought that we were eternal That we would last forever But we’re not. And we didn’t. Cause every statue crumbles And every painting fades. And even though I told you that I would go To the ends of the Earth for you When the people you told me that you loved had become the monsters Hiding Underneath your bed In your closet. I promised that I could carry you through Hell and back. And I’m sorry that I couldn’t do enough. I really mean that this time. But I’m not Atlas I can’t handle the weight Of your world on my back. Your heart is a fragile treasure I can’t keep juggling Something is going to break You tell me that you’ve been wrapped in darkness. And I’m the only match that’s here to keep you warm And safe And happy. I tried I’m trying I’m sorry. The Eternal Sleep
Ella Pegan We are at the end, approaching at last We cross hell’s gate or go up heaven’s stairs We watch as the light of our souls fade fast And in dimming light we turn to our prayers Death is a fear that we each must face soon Though the thought makes us stress and cry to our Gods Retreating from sun, turning towards moon There is no help, no way to flip the odds We are trapped in lives that are meant to end Despite the many spirits we consult Before we go we try to patch and mend And leave at peace, with no lasting insult With smiles we pass through the rose covered arch The Eternal Sleep, towards which we march The Song of Eternal Haze
Ada Huang It starts With the unexpected call of something mere. The fear. And the enmity of nightmares, is so sheer With it comes the “nothing” Like a broken empty heart The dark that sowed the sorrows gone. But no light seeks control. Solitude of anger; violence fills the void. The path to revolution is shattered by the bitter and destroyed. The cold It’s spinning, it’s blooming, it awakens me. Confused And I’m blind to myself and my heart Feeling anxious Nothing’s said, Nothing’s done, no one’s calling me. Can’t grasp myself, when I’m constantly bound by their rule. The truths surround me. But they all belong to foes. Liars, or protectors. Only seek to gain control. All of this is pyrrhic, All of this’ a lie. Shattering the mirror, I wish that I could see behind the eyes. Mirror, say something to me! Can I save save myself from thee? Who can save me from this misery? Mirror could you shatter me? |
One and Only
By Damien Jordan People, people like me, people like us. We make bonds on such a deep, emotional level. We tie knots, and we hold on tightly to the strings that keep us close. Those strings, those lines of friendship, those ties of love, they are indestructible to all but fire. And yet, the flames always find us. Fire resides inside. It builds and it burns, in our thoughts, in our hearts, in our minds. But at times, there is fire in our eyes. And we think too hard, and we wish too much and we let our minds dissolve into dreams. Our strings go up in flames. My love, my dear, my one and only, who knew our eternity would end so soon? Is this what it feels like to lose you? And the only one to blame stands in my shoes. If I could wish for forgiveness, I would, but tears of heartbreak cannot rebuild the heart. And the sound of apologies cannot heal burns. So we move on, thoughts drifting aimlessly in wake of broken dreams. And I wait, to find my next eternity. Eternal Spotlight
By Emma Breton Center stage, with shaking legs and sweaty palms. A million lights shining down, exposing every inch of my skin, leaving me feeling vulnerable and defenseless. The crowd staring me down, their faces gloom as I take an unsteady breath, stepping up to the microphone. And… that was the first time. Now, my feet have grown used to the center stage, no nerves, shaking or sweating, nothing. The lights aren’t as bright as they once were, more like a warm, inviting glow. My steps up to the microphone are easy and worn. This was my starting point, and it will be my ending point. I was chosen for this and the eternal spotlight will forever shine down on me. Hard Times Pass
Heidi Elder I once thought that hard times come and go like a lightning storm. It’s scary and it hits you all at once but you have a house to take cover in, wait it out. Now I see that bad times come and go like smoke. You’re surrounded and you can’t see your way out. You can’t push it away because it’s everywhere and out of your control. Even if you ever do find the right direction out, every so often, you’ll have a coughing fit, as a reminder of that one time smoke washed over you like a tidal wave. Author's Note: I figured this would work for eternal because the pain of hard times always stays with you, even years afterward. Ephemeral Eternities
By Yasmin Nowlan I've never really felt like days or weeks went on forever. For me, it was always the moments that lasted for an eternity, for better or worse. The specific feeling of the few seconds when you and your best friend are laughing without a care in the world, those types of moments never ended. There were also the moments when I swear I could hear the sky bending, then shattering into a thousand pieces. Where time seemed to stop just before the tears started to fall, causing me to shut off instead of just let everything out. Those moments lasted for an eternity as well. Somehow, with you, I thought I could stretch those ephemeral eternities to fill my entire life. That with you, you who would patiently glue the sky back together piece by piece, would be able to make me forget about the darker side to eternity. Your eternity turned out to be much shorter than mine. All the time we spent together, all the memories we made, struggling to fill eternity, ended. Our forever faded, in one of those ephemeral eternities. My sky has shattered, and with no one to pick up the pieces, I now cut myself on its broken edges when trying to move forward. It's keeping me in this torturous eternity. I'll keep going through the same motions. Bringing you the same ephemeral flowers every day, only to see yesterday’s withering and brown. Until I'm able to see the golden side of eternity, I will reminisce about what you told me before you were gone forever. You told me that one eternity isn't enough to fill the time of our lives, so I'll give you your eternity, with its special feeling and color. Somehow, I’ll create a new eternity. One where, though you are not there, you are not forgotten. One where, despite missing you, I have created a golden eternity, and will never let it slip away. |
Katelyn Topshee Her ears rang so loud she could barely think. Her hands were bloody, covered in dust. She felt something wrap around her. At first she was scared, but realized it was him holding her close. She tried to look into his eyes but the light above him was so bright. Her legs started to shake, and eventually the pressure was too much. She collapsed. She expected that she would feel him pick her up again. That they would walk away together like they always do. But to her surprise, he fell to the floor with her. He didn’t let go. She realized it was too late. The ground was shaking beneath her. The few moments where the ring in her ears silenced she only heard screams of terror. She tried to open her eyes again. This time she wished she didn’t. In front of her eyes was the man she loved, the man she was going to marry, bloody and dying. She shut her eyes again. Trying to get the image out of her head. Her head hurt so much. She felt him pull her closer with what little strength he had left. And together they laid. Eternal. Untitled
Zevida Germain It turns out we aren't immortal beings anymore. I know we were as children. We could Jump off play structures or shoot each other with those little foam-bullet plastic guns you had, and we’d be fine. We had pillows and sandboxes to protect us. Turns out those things don’t protect you from real bullets though. Death isn't like you see in the movies You screamed and cried and Called for your momma as I tried to stop the bleeding. You said you were so so cold, though your blood was hot and steaming in the cool night air. You never pressed your hands up to my cheek or said you would miss me or peaceful closed your eyes. You looked all around til your eyes met mine and you whispered “ I wanna go home”. I told you that i'm trying and too just hold on but it was too late. You were gone. You didn't leave your mark like you were supposed to. People talked about you for a week, tops. After that you became Just another police file buried under mountains of paperwork. Just a sticky red stain on my white shirt. Just a name. But this can't be happening. Not to you, not to someone I love. Not to the one person who swore they’d protect me. I wish we were children again. I wish we could be eternal again. Illusions
Sharon Xu Hey Jack, If you’re reading this note, then it means I’ve already left. Don’t look for me, it’s not worth either of our times. How ironic. You said we’d be together forever, but here I am, sitting inside my room and writing you this letter while simultaneously packing my bags. Forever. What is forever? Nothing, and everything at once. You used to say your love for me was as endless as a bottomless pit, longer than to the moon and back. You lied. It was never more than a shallow excuse of a hole you dug, then buried at the back of your mind. But rest assured. I haven’t forgotten. I may be ignorant, but I am not an imbecile. October 17, the day we first met. Do you remember? Of course you don’t. I was only a stranger. Someone you decided to meet out of curiosity, out of convenience. You were everything to me, but I was merely a speck of dust on your dashboard. I was wiped away, and swept into a pile of the ever-growing pile of girls, chasing after you. I should’ve stopped there. I knew I shouldn’t get involved with you. It was my stubbornness that kept everything from falling apart, and I was blinded by each desperate attempt; until I couldn’t see what was right in front of me. December 28, the day when you finally, finally decided to text me. It was on a Wednesday afternoon, when my phone lit up with your name. I was contemplating going to bed, as I had nothing better to do. I had already given up on the idea of contacting you first a long time ago, and decided that being friends would be better. She loved you too, and I didn’t want to be the third corner of the triangle. But then a miracle happened. You, decided to initiate the conversation. I think a part of me thought you saved me that night. A part of me still does. But that’s all in the past, isn’t it? January 6, the day when we first kissed underneath that christmas tree inside your science classroom. I went home, sat on my bed and thought of you all night. I think those 5 seconds were the happiest 5 seconds of my life.They still are. I know what you’re thinking. I know you think I’m gullible. That I’m naive. That I’m just a ditzy girl, who falls in love with every pretty face she sees. And you’re right. I’m a terrible person, aren’t I? I overlooked all your flaws because on the inside, I was desperately holding onto the thought of you. But it was only an illusion. March 16, the day you asked me out. I said yes. I wish I didn’t. You never loved me, nor did I love you back. Both of us were clinging onto our versions of each other, and only now do I see how wrong I was about you. You’ve told me thousands of times how much you loved me, and I believed you. I think a part of me still wants to believe it, but it’s time to move on. I can’t do it anymore, and I don’t want to burden you even more. For the last time, I love you. Forever, eternally, infinitely yours, Clarise xoxo |