Photo by: Oriana Delgaty
Photo by: Oriana Delgaty
A Cold Shoulder
by: Alyssa Ellenor We were friends once, You and I, We’d laugh as the days went by, Until the days turned into months. Because as those months progressed, You grew colder, Somber, Distant, Until I could no longer recognize, The person that stood before my eyes. What happened to you? To us? To the friendship that provoked such a rush? Was it simply too much to handle? Too much to bare? Did the thought of opening up to someone, Create too great a scare? If so, my suggestion is this; Take a look in the mirror, And ask yourself what it is you fear. What could compel you to rid your life of someone, So easily, So Mercilessly, And without remorse? What could cause you to unbind the wonderful memories, That never failed to light up your face; To rip apart the similarities That held this friendship in place. What could cause you to cast a cold-shoulder, To someone who has always had your back, Held your hand, And been ready for a needed embrace? I hope you come upon with a plausible reason For you have committed such a treason; You’ve cast me in a bucket of shade; It’s despair, clutching my skin, Clawing me, Shredding me into pieces. Soon enough, I will be lost in its misery. Unless you explain to me, Why you’ve abandoned me, So suddenly, So abruptly, So contently, And never looked back. What did I do wrong? Please. I know you cared for me once, At some point in all those months. So tell me how to remove the shade, That never leaves my presence; To remove the dart you have thrown, Into the depths of my heart. Tell me how to walk away, To move on, To forget the sting of betrayal That pulsates within every inch of my being. I know this means I must leave you behind, To forget every moment we shared, Every story, Every spurt of laughter, Every knowing gaze, To repair the hole that seems to grow wider every day. But I can’t do this without you. You’re the only one who can give me an official ending. I need you, one last time, even if just for closure. Why? Because we were friends once, You and I, And now we have to say goodbye. |
by: Oriana Vizcaino-Delgaty Use you thought you could use me You used me Took advantage of me I will not be used Abuse You abused the privilege of me You abused your power You abused my weakness for you Pain You thought you could cause me pain Funny, i don’t feel that anymore You tried to cause me pain and look where that got you! You have one foot out the door Sad I’d be sad to see you go It’d be sad to see you tied up on a ceiling or lying dead with a gun in your cold hand Those would be sad You thought you could leave me You thought what’d you’d done would leave me sad Jokes on you i’ve never been so Mad That’s all i am That’s all i’ll be What you've done was irreversible! bitch i’m unstoppable I’m mad you used me I’m mad you abused your power over me I’m mad I thought you’d be good for me Let me tell you, once i’m through with you there won’t be anymore “new you” No one will believe all your bullshit and lies, And trust me honey, no matter how hard you try boy, you’ll never regain me Revenge That’s what’ll be served to you, right on a platter Something funny or cruel? Probably the latter. That’s what you get for messing with someone with traits of The Mad Hatter. I’ll hurt you way worse than you’d expect all before you can even make a threat I don’t want to hear anything that comes out of your mouth I know it’s all untrue Just the way you were unfaithful to me boo Don’t try and play this again, because even if you make up the rules, i’ll win the game. XOX, kisses my dear You’ll need all the luck you can get this year |